
Showing posts from December, 2022


30 December 2022 General medicine case discussion E LOG MEDICINE CASE 30/12/2022 This is is an online E log book to discuss our patient's deidentified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed in formed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based inputs.This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning protfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome. Name: G.Anisha Reddy  Roll no : 45 2020 Batch I''ve been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "PATIENT CLINICAL DATA ANALYSIS" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history,clinical findings,investigations and comeup with Diagnosis and Treatment plan. Date of admission:  19 December 2022 A 60year old male resi

A 40 year old male patient came to general medicine OPD with chief complaints of decreased urine output.

29  December 2022 , Hi, I am G.Anisha Reddy  of 3rd semester .This is an online E logbook to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s consent. This also reflects our patient centered online learning portfolio. The patient’s consent was taken verbally prior to history taking and examination of her condition.  40 year old male patient who is an advocate came to general medicine with cheif complaints of decreased urine output since 8 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 5years back then developed decreased urine output since 8 days and underwent dialysis at out hospital Sai sanjeevini .He had Renal tubular acidosis and right hip joint fracture. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  Chronic kidney disease on maintenance heamodialysis since 11 years,hypertension since 5 years . No history epilepsy,TB,asthma ,diabetes,CAD. Surgical history-right hip joint surgery 10 days back. FAMILY HISTORY - no relevant family history PERSONA

A 42yr old female patient came to general medicine OPD with cough ,shortness of breath and difficulty in swallowing.

26 December,2022. I am G.Anisha(rollno:45)3rd sem medical student. This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's health data shared after taking his/her consent . This also reflects my patient centered care and online learning portfolio. A 42 old female patient who is a tailor and labourer by occupation came to general medicine opd with cheif complaints of cough,shortness of breath and difficulty in swallowing and fever. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back and she had cough which is dry and not induced on medication.  patient had fever 1 month back which is high grade and continuous and it lasted for 1week and then got reduced .Now again she had fever since 1day,high grade,continuous not associated with chills and rigors. PAST HISTORY : No HTN No epilepsy No TB No diabetes No asthma No CAD DRUG HISTORY: No significant  PERSONAL HISTORY: PERSONAL HISTORY - Dirt -mixed Appetite - decreased Bladder and Bowel movement - regular Sleep -no

A 73 year old female patient who is presented with weakness and immovable right extremities.

July 18, 2022 I am G.Anisha.( )3rd sem medical student. This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's health data shared after taking his/her consent . This also reflects my patient centered care and online learning portfolio. A 73 year old female patient who is agriculturer by occupation came to opd with cheif complaint of weakness in right upper limb and lower limb. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS - Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 days back. She had her meal at 12:00 pm and took rest. She woke up at 2:00 pm and she felt weakness and immovable right extremities. Since yesterday slurring of speech is observed. PAST HISTORY - Patient is hypertensive since 15 yrs. No epilepsy No TB No diabetes No asthma DRUG HISTORY - Regular medication of T. ATENOLOL 50 mg. PERSONAL HISTORY - Dirt -mixed Appetite - normal Bladder and Bowel movement - regular Sleep -using sleeping pills since 2-3months  No known allergies No history of addictions FAMILY HISTORY- No relevant family

A 56 year old female patient,came to general medicine OPD with cheif complaints of fever since 10 days,burning micturation since am8 to 9 days and vomiting since 2 days.

December 20 ,2022 Hi, I am G.Anisha of 3rd semester .This is an online E logbook to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s consent. This also reflects our patient centered online learning portfolio. The patient’s consent was taken verbally prior to history taking and examination of her condition. A 56 year old female patient,who is agriculturer .Came to general medicine OPD with cheif complaints of fever since 10 days,burning micturation to 8 to 9 days,vomiting since 2 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESSES: Patient was Apparently asymptomatic 10 days back then she had fever associated with chills,which intermittent in onset and rise in temperature at nights,followed by she had burning micturation since 8 days,2 episodes of vomiting (one is at night other at next day morning)since 2 days. History of regurgitation.  No history of abdominal pain,constipation heamaturia,shortness of breath,weight loss. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS  No history of hype

A 55 year old female came to general medicine opd with chief complaints of generalised edema and decreased urine output

 Hi, I am G.Anisha  of 3rd semester .This is an online E logbook to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s consent. This also reflects our patient centered online learning portfolio. The patient’s consent was taken verbally prior to history taking and examination of her condition. A 55 year old female patient who is housewife and does household chores came to general medicine opd with chief complaints of generalised pedal edema and decreased urine output. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years ago. Then she noticed blurred vision in both eyes. She consulted a local doctor and he referred to other doctor in Hyderabad. There she was diagnosed with diabetic retinopathy and underwent a surgery for right eye and improved her vision and was told that her left eye vision can't be improved by surgery. And 3 months back she developed bilateral pitting type of pedal edema which is gradually progressed to present